May 26, 2020
When your partner asks you about what you’re feeling, what’s your typical response? Do you attempt to change the subject or joke around? Freeze for a while? Or maybe start blaming your partner? Everyone can find it challenging to open up their inner world of emotions - but a lot of men find it particularly difficult...
May 19, 2020
If there’s another big contagion going around, it’s blame. Its infectious nature is so profound that it goes back and forth between a couple, trapping them in a cycle of criticism, pain, and disempowerment. No one wins in a relationship that plays the blame game - it has no positive impact on any of the parties...
May 12, 2020
Many people are well-acquainted with the power of intention to manifest their projects, their desires, even their businesses. But intent could be also be taken into our relationships and used to transform us into better individuals, partners, and human beings. At the beginning of our relationship, my wife, Yvonne...
May 5, 2020
Conflict is a truth for every couple. Every relationship has its fair share of arguments from time to time. While the threat of COVID-19 persists around the world, couples are spending more time in close proximity while quarantined together and find themselves in more bouts of conflict. In fact, my wife, Yvonne...