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Exploring and discussing a variety of relationship topics and issues for people in all kinds of relationships; including partnerships, family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, roommates and more.

Feb 28, 2023

Corey Costanzo is the Co-Owner of Asheville’s Still Point Wellness Spa, a licensed addiction counselor, trauma specialist, licensed massage therapist, master didgeridoo player, colleague, and good friend.

In this episode, Corey and I have a conversation about bonding through trauma and another aspect of which is...

Feb 14, 2023

In this episode I have a conversation with Laura Callahan, BA., CHt. Laura is a clinical hypnotherapist specializing in assisting clients with sexual dysfunction, trauma resolution, anxiety and fertility issues. She is also a Certified HypnoBirthing® Educator. She works with clients via Zoom throughout the US, Canada...