Jul 30, 2019
Trust is an incredibly powerful, foundational part of healthy relationships. It is something that must be earned, built, and maintained to build healthy and close relationships. Broken trust is often the underlying cause for many marriages and relationships to come to an end. Once trust has been broken - it can be...
Jul 23, 2019
Counseling and connecting with people for over 30 years, Connie Burns is a body-centered psychotherapist who specializes in body and trauma therapies. She has a passion for teaching people how to reconnect with their relationships - relationships with their own bodies, other people, and the natural world. Connie was...
Jul 16, 2019
Steve Torma is the former President of Earthaven Ecovillage, a former core faculty member of the Asheville Tantra School, and the co-founder of The REAL Center. The REAL Center is an organization based in Asheville, NC that is dedicated to inspiring communication, compassion, and intimacy to help others lead satisfied...
Jul 9, 2019
Are you guilty of holding grudges? Let’s face it - holding grudges is a common practice for most of us, but it can be detrimental to your relationships as well as your health. Over time, grudges can easily transform into anger, resentment, high stress levels, and even depression. This resentment is often what causes...
Jul 2, 2019
Cathy Courtenay is a leader in the Art of Circling and a dating consultant for men. Through her experience with somatic bodywork, dance, and Body Mind Centering, she helps her clients cultivate authenticity, sovereignty, and intimacy in their relationships. She believes they are the key to achieving greater compassion...